| About

The Middle East Broadcasting Networks (MBN) is a 24/7 Arabic-language media organization that is comprised of two television networks (Alhurra and Alhurra-Iraq), Sawa radio’s two dedicated streams (Iraq and Sudan), and multiple digital properties (Alhurra.com, RadioSawa.com, Irfaasawtak.com, ElSaha.com and MaghrebVoices.com). MBN’s networks provide an undistorted line of engagement with the people of the Middle East and North Africa.


| Mission

MBN’s mission is to expand the spectrum of ideas, opinions, and perspectives available in the media of the Middle East and North Africa; provide objective, accurate, and relevant news and information; and accurately represent America, Americans, and American policies. Through its multimedia broadcasts, MBN seeks to inform, engage, and connect with the regions’ people in support of universal freedoms.


| Programms

MBN serves a niche in a cluttered media marketplace, by focusing on stories not found on other outlets in the region. It creates the space for new topics and perspectives and pro- vides a voice to independent, reformist thinkers. MBN’s programming encourages open debates to engage audiences on issues that are considered sensitive in the region (e.g. political Islam, freedom of religion, and women’s rights). MBN uses a multi-platform approach to deliver its distinctive content to audiences across the region. By incorporating television, digital, and radio, audiences can access MBN’s news and programming in a way that is native to them.


| Impact

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) 2021 World Press Freedom Index showed that the Middle East and North Africa region maintained last place in the region rankings; with Syria (173rd), Saudi Arabia (170th) and Egypt (166th) acquiring some of the lowest of the 180 countries ranked. MBN’s media outlets serve as a source for accurate and objective news and analysis. MBN’s impact is evident every day, through the numerous Arabic-language media outlets that quote Alhurra and Sawa’s reporting, showing that the networks are a trusted source of news by other media organizations and in the region. Citations of MBN’s reporting in the Arabic press augments the number of people who have access to impartial news and liberal voices.

What We Do

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