فازت قناة "الحرة" بميدالية فضية في "مهرجانات نيويورك الدولية للتلفزيون والأفلام" 2020 عن فئة "المؤثرات البصرية والصوتية"(Best Animation).

وحصلت الحرة على الجائزة لإبداعها في استخدام تقنية الواقع المعزز في فيديو عن المقاتلة F-35، في فيديو يأخذ المشاهدين في رحلة على متن الطائرة، ويشرح لهم أهميتها وتفوقها التكنولوجي.

وقال السفير ألبرتو فرنانديز، رئيس شبكة الشرق الأوسط للإرسال "MBN"، التي تدير قناة "الحرة" وتشرف عليها، "أصبح استخدام تقنية الواقع المعزز جزءاً أساسيا في نقل الأخبار إلى المشاهدين. وتعمل هذه التقنية على إيضاح وشرح أي قصة إخبارية، مهما كانت معقدة،  بطريقة فنية يسهل فهمها". 

وأضاف فرنانديز أن "لدى MBN فريق خدمات إبداعية موهوب يعمل بشكل وثيق مع قسم الأخبار لإنتاج هذه الفيديوهات المميزة التي لاقت استحسانا منقطع النظير لدى المشاهدين".
وتم ترشيح "الحرة" لنهائيات "مهرجانات نيويورك الدولية للتلفزيون والأفلام" عن أربع فئات أخرى، منها حلقة من برنامج "الحرة تتحرى" عن فئة "أفضل تقرير استقصائي وأفضل فيلم وثائقي إنساني"  (Best Investigative Report and Best Documentary—Human Concerns). وتكشف الحلقة كيفية بيع الأطفال الأيزيديين في السوق السوداء. 

ووصلت حلقة "مختلف عليه" حول تأثير اليهودية على الإسلام الى مرحلة النهائيات عن فئة "أفضل تحليل وتعليق" (Best News Analysis/Commentary) ، حيث كشفت عن تأثر الدين الإسلامي الى حد كبير باليهودية. 

كما وصل فريق قسم الخدمات الابداعية إلى مرحلة النهائيات عن فئة "أفضل استخدام للتكنولوجيا"(Best Use of Technology)، عن فيديو حول يوم كولمبوس.
انطلقت مهرجانات نيويورك الدولية للتلفزيون والأفلام عام 1957، وتعد من أبرز الفعاليات المتخصصة في تقييم الأفلام والإنتاج التلفزيوني، وتشجيع المواهب الشابة.


September 2, 2024 


Today is a sad day. We’ve said goodbye today to 160 of our colleagues. We’ve reduced our workforce by 21 percent.  

We started a process of reform and restructure this summer with layoffs of four senior executives and more than a half dozen mid-level colleagues. Last month, we continued with a revamp of the digital department. I pledged to announce the largest wave of layoffs by early September. This is nevertheless a jarring day for the colleagues leaving us and for the entire company. 

As I’ve shared these past weeks, the moves we are making are obligatory. Congressionally mandated budget cuts have forced us to reduce company costs by nearly $20 million. As you’ve heard on multiple occasions, 70 percent of MBN costs come from employee compensation and benefits.  

I’ve repeatedly told you I want a company that puts people first. I’m sorry for this moment. 

No area of the company has been exempt from review. By eliminating our brick-and-mortar presence in the field, we are joining an industry trend — and will no longer have to pay rent, utilities, cleaning, security, and associated tax, legal, and administrative fees. Through renegotiation with the company we use for simultaneous translation — we’re driving down expenses to meet our new fiscal reality. We’ve squeezed pennies everywhere. We’ve eliminated our marketing budget.  

In order to get to this point, we examined each and every program, each and every position — and reviewed cases of nearly 1,000 individuals working for MBN. Over these past weeks, managers have worked tirelessly and closely together. We all did our level best to be fair to our employees and to the pressing needs of MBN going forward. We planned strategically.  

We evaluated individuals for qualification and competence, performance, and alignment with organizational culture. The blind tests for new positions in the revamped digital department involved hard competition. 

In countless instances throughout this process, there were simply no good choices. All final decisions were mine. 

Those leaving us today are dedicated and loyal professionals who have earned my respect. We owe them a debt of gratitude for their service. 

For those eligible we are providing severance, job placement support, references, ongoing health care options for a period, mental health resources. A number took buyout options. Those leaving have received details of their separation today and can turn at any time with questions to our CFO Mohammed Sediqi and General Counsel Anne Noble. 

The Way Forward  

Transition will not be easy. I’m animated by relentless optimism, though. That’s an MBN trait. Former colleagues will find new positions. And with their grace and forbearance, together we’ll find ways to work as allies in the future.  

Even in a difficult moment like this, I look ahead and see a powerful, flourishing MBN, a company far better positioned to compete for resources going forward.  

The pressure to cut, revamp, and adapt is hardly unique to MBN. Our industry has been going through wrenching change. Jobs get slashed. Business models are decimated. Technology is disruptive. The way people are consuming media evolves rapidly.  

Our job is to identify opportunities for MBN. Trust me, they’re there. Believe me, if we lean into this challenge, they’ll be thrilling.  

On Wednesday at noon EDT, I’ll speak and take questions at a town hall meeting.  

Today, we finished the last big step in MBN restructuring. We’ve just taken the first important step in MBN’s transformation. 

Shape of the New 

MBN will remain a company of vision and values. I joined you as interim president/CEO four and a half months ago for MBN’s ideals, for purpose and service. 

Millions of people across the Middle East and North Africa depend on MBN for a fair and honest telling of the American story. They turn to MBN for reliable, truthful reporting on governance, human rights, and civil society. They rely on us to counter the disinformation and malign influence of Iran, China, and Russia. 

MBN’s method is journalism. We care for craft and strive for accuracy and fair-mindedness. Our aspiration is rule of law and accountable government, tolerance and pluralism.  

Let’s be clear about the “MBN story” that defines who we are. Let’s lead in covering what our competitors shy away from — or fear. Let’s embed mission, vision, and values in the MBN DNA.  

I’ll address at Wednesday’s town hall the changes we’ve made that will empower MBN to pursue its goals and better serve its audiences. These changes include: 

A lighter footprint in Springfield, VA. MBN headquarters is vital. Our networks across North Africa and the Middle East are the heart of who we are and what we do. 

A move away from brick-and-mortar presence in the region with a push toward a more agile, entrepreneurial posture on the ground. We’ll become more vibrant, with sharper focus. We’ll develop our capacities for investigative, explanatory, and enterprise journalism. 

An increase in multimedia correspondents; an energetic exploration of new technologies — including AI — that can more closely connect us with audiences. We need more reporters who can shoot, produce, edit, and report content for all MBN platforms. We must create space for experiment and a company culture that promotes and celebrates innovation. 

A renewed focus and ever vibrant relationship with younger audiences. The next MBN will focus on influentials who shape and lead democratic change. In particular, we’ll invest in new generations that share our passion for discussion and debate, and our unwavering commitment to free and open societies. 

A merging of MBN’s flagship Alhurra Television and Alhurra Iraq to provide viewers with the best of both networks, while integrating and preserving the two brands in one refreshed, streamlined channel. Iraq remains a priority  — a vital part of the MBN region and ecosystem. 

A company culture of constant learning and continuing education, where every manager becomes a mentor, collaboration and community are emphasized, and each and every employee has the opportunity to grow. MBN will become an incubator and showcase for the development of talent. 

Each and every day I’ve learned something new at MBN. Without a moment’s pause, you’ve challenged and inspired me. You’ve reminded me of why character and soul in a company matter.  

MBN is a plucky company, a treasure trove of experience. This company knows how to adapt.  

Let’s seize this rare opportunity to reimagine the organization and strive for our fullest potential. 

With respect and gratitude, Jeff